Friday, March 29, 2013

New Job

I work as a janitor at a school. While cleaning a classroom one day, I overhear a teacher and the principal talking about the need for a new teacher assistant. It just so happened that this was the kind of job that I wanted because it was the special education classroom and I want to be a teacher in that field.
I told the teacher that I am a qualified para-educator and asked how to apply. She told me to watch for it on the district website. I did. No posting of the job appeared. After 2 days I went back to ask when the posting would appear and when interviews would start. She sent me to the principal.
So I told the principal of my interest for the job. She told me that it hasn't been posted yet but to send all my info to HR and she would look into it. So I went home to get all my info and application stuff together so I would make a good impression come interview time.
Today at work I get called to the office. It hasn't even been 2 days since my conversation with the principal and the posting still hasn't appeared on the website. So I assume it is a teacher wanting to put in an Avon order. Imagine my surprise when I, in my grubby work cloths, am met by the principal telling me that she wants to do a quick interview.
"Sure, why not." The teacher comes in and the questions begin. I try to answer as best I can with my nerves trying to go through the ceiling! It all happened so fast! The next thing I know they are telling me when to be there for my first day. They end quickly so that I can finish my work and go home.
I finish my work in a sort of daze. I have a new job! I want to shout with my excitement. This goes to show that putting yourself out there and known really does work. I just didn't think it would work the way it did.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Me Time!!!

Now is the time that most of you read this blog for. To hear about me!
I am doing great by the way of being alive. Being healthy is another thing entirely. I have been sick most of this month. The week before last was a stomach bug and this last week was a cold. So instead of going to work and getting paid, I've been watching TV and playing Pokemon.
Oh! Here is some good news! I'm down to 236.8 lbs!!! That is almost 20lbs lost! I am so excited (if you couldn't tell). But now only one pair of my pants fit me. Everything else is too big. I need to go shopping for new things. :) I'll have to show a pic of me once all the weight is off.
Well, until next time!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hana Kimi has caught my eye.

I was told about this TV ( ) show by a friend of mine a while back but I just never got into watching it. I'll be honest, I'm not that big on live-action shows based off manga. It wasn't until she brought the Manga books for me to read that I really got interested. The Manga (which you can read at ) is a hilarious romantic comedy about a girl who wants to meet the guy she idolizes, so she moves from America to Japan and enrolls in his school. The only problem is, its an all boys school! You guessed it! She hides her gender. What happens afterwards reminds me of The Twelfth Night by Shakespeare.

The show runs a bit faster then the manga and misses most of the funny stuff. It is still really funny and cute. I have been told that there is a Tiwanese version as well that is really good, but I haven't had time to watch. You will just have to check it out for yourself.

If you want to find out what happens in this funny comic or TV show, you have to go see it for yourself. :)

Give Me A Taste!!!

If you want to get a wonderful "taste" of a great country, you have to go to Taste of India! ( )They have the best curry's, Korma's, and Naan that I have ever eaten. My favorite would have to be the Lamb Coconut Korma. I had this with Plain Naan and a Strawberry Lassi. The meal sizes are pretty big so if you go here, make sure you come hungry!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Some fun comming this way!

I've decided that I need to do more with this blog. So I came up with some ideas. The one idea I liked the most was to do some reviews on something once a week (on Saturdays).

This is how the schedule will go:
First week: Food and/or restaurant.
Second week: Printed media (books, comics, or newspaper).
Third week: Visual media ( My art, anybody's art, and Movies!!).
Fourth week: My life (for those of my family and friends who just want to know how I'm doing).
Fifth week (on those odd months that there is one): Randomness.

Anywho!!! I skipped the first week so i better make up for that, don't you think? so there will be two posts; one on what I did last week and one for this week. Hope you all enjoy!

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Year & Winter Blahs

Have you ever had the winter blahs and just wished that winter was done and gone. That is how I feel right now. I just looked out the window and it is snowing once more. I don't much like the cold. I much rather be inside sipping hot chocolate, reading a good book or movie to watch, and rapped up in my favorite blanket. *Sigh*

There is only one or two problems with this however. I DON'T HAVE ANY BOOKS TO READ OR MOVIES TO WATCH!!!! Someone please shoot me before I go mad with cabin fever! "Cabin Fever! AHHH!" (Name that movie.) Even all the anime I wanted to see isn't doing it for me. What is a girl to do when this bored, eh?

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Need Specifics!!!

Just so everyone knows, I need to have specifics whenever anyone gives me instructions or I'm going to end up missing something. Mom just had me take her car in to get the brakes looked at with a coupon that would make it free of charge. I told her I would take it in when I took my room mate to work. My brother then comes to wake me up early and says she wants us to go at 9:00am. I guess its a good thing my room mate wasn't even back from her trip to Idaho.
Well I take in the car with my brother following behind me. Turns out he gets lost and looses me (even though I was going pretty slow. Turns out he almost gets hit a few times by other drivers). I tell the car people what needs to be done and I sit to wait for Drew to pick me up. When he gets there they tell me it should only take 20 more minutes so I send Drew home. After 20 minutes they tell me nothing is wrong with the brakes but the rear tires are bald. So I call up mom.
"Oh then just pay with the Discover Card." she says.
"I don't have the card with me."
"I thought I told you to take it with you."
She hadn't.
She tells me to make sure I have Drew bring me the card and hangs up.
I call Drew to come get me and bring the card. I then ask how long the tires will take. They wouldn't be in till after 3pm and I don't have to pay till after the service is done. So much for having Drew bring the card. I just have him take me home.
This would've taken less time if Mom had been more specific about what to do. She always get mad at me when I do what I think she means when just a few extra words would save her the trouble.